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Cropping bug

Pages: 1
Posted:  12 Feb 2009 12:35
FireShot 0.68
MS Windows Vista Business
Firefox 3.0.6

Take a screenshot, crop it and copy it to clipboard.

Now, the image is cropped, but the canvas size of the image, the total size, is as it was before it was cropped. Only the image content is cropped.

Saved files exhibit same problem, I think.
Posted:  12 Feb 2009 12:45
Sorry, I don't understand. I tried to re-create this situation, but either I don't understand you either something is different at your configuration.
Some screenshots would be much appreciated.
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Posted:  12 Feb 2009 15:27
I made a screenshot of this very page: https://easycaptures.com/8656377611.

Then I cropped the screenshot. The result is here: https://easycaptures.com/2069787320. If you click at the picture, then a overlay will open and display the file. There is a lot of whitespace, approx. 70% over the cropped part that begins approx. 1 mm above the blue bar with the text Posted: etc.

When I save the cropped picture to a png file, the dimensions are 1007 x 734 pixels. However, it should only be approx. 1007 x 199.

I cropped the screenshot in Paint Shop Pro. Here is the result: https://easycaptures.com/9556501018. I would expect FireShot to crop in the same way, i.e. to leave out the whitespace. As far as I can see, the file is indeed cropped to the right and the left and at the bottom, but not properly above the selection.

Does this help?
Posted:  12 Feb 2009 15:30   Last Edited By: Adamsen
I did some more testing.

It seems that the cropping issue only shows up, when the "Add webpage URL as Text object at startup" and "Add webpage title as Text object at startup" options are marked.

Without these options enabled, the crop is as expected. To wit: https://easycaptures.com/9556501018.

Does that help?
Posted:  12 Feb 2009 15:53   Last Edited By: JK
Ah, that's the issue!

Actually, cropping does not affect the location of objects and it is normal. When you're producing the output, the bounding rectangle is calculated by taking into account of every object disregarding the extents of cropped area. In other words, the objects have priority.
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Posted:  12 Feb 2009 16:15
I am not sure whether I understand your explanation, but I am not sure that I have ever used a program that crops in the way that FireShot Pro does currently.

Does your explanation mean that the two textboxes produced by enabling the options mentioned above are taken into account, even if they are not part of the selected area?

Well, that perhaps explains a lot, but I am not sure whether I think it should be in that way.
Posted:  13 Feb 2009 09:51
I'll think about it.
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