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Dialog box hangs on right screen of dual-monitor setup

Pages: 1
Posted:  25 Nov 2024 15:51   Last Edited By: stromquist1
V 1.12.18 (and also prior) on Safari on a dual monitor setup with two Mac Studio Displays on an M2 Max Mac Studio running Macos 15 (and also prior).  When saving a capture as a pdf, there is a dialog box that opens allowing you to edit the pdf file name and specify the save directory.  When Safari/Fireshot is opened and then run on the left hand monitor, designated monitor 2, it works fine.  When Safari is opened and run on the right hand monitor, designated monitor 1, it may initially work but will often, but not always, open in the extreme top left corner of the monitor and be unresponsive to mouse clicks and will not save.  Then the only way to clear it is to close safari completely.  The workaround is to open and use Safari and fireshot only on the left hand monitor, where the dialog box always opens near the middle of the screen and functions properly.  Even if Safari is used on the right screen not invoking fireshot, and the open Safari window is then moved to the left screen and Fireshot is invoked, the dialog box will often appear in the top left corner of the right screen and hang.
Posted:  25 Nov 2024 22:00
Thank you for the report. When it looks to be hung up - does it react to keyboard keys, such as Escape / Ctrl - Tab? There should be something that robs the focus from the dialog.
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Posted:  28 Nov 2024 14:53   Last Edited By: stromquist1
I found the setting to suppress the dialog box and always save to the download directory.  That gets around the problem of having the dialog box hang.  The box was unresponsive to keys when stuck.
Posted:  04 Dec 2024 04:15
Thank you for your update. While the issue wasn’t resolved directly, I’m glad there’s a quick workaround available.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
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