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FireShot - Full webpage screenshot tool support forum / FireShot Browser Extension / Enhancement and Feature Requests

Feature Request: Copy captured cursor from toolbar?

Pages: 1
Posted:  11 Jan 2023 02:19
When I do a screen capture in Screenshot Studio, it captures the cursor (great for documenting "where to click" but if I then select an area in the editor and select "Copy" from the popup sidebar, it doesn't include the cursor.

If I use Copy from the top toolbar, that does include the cursor, but if I don't want the entire screen, I need to select, then crop, then copy.

It would be great if Copy on the sidebar included the cursor, so I need to just select-and-copy and include the cursor.
Posted:  11 Jan 2023 07:28   Last Edited By: JK
Thank you for your suggestion. Yes, this feature was designed primarily to assist users quickly modify the source capture (remove text, graphics, copy and paste some fragments of the page). Suppose, we've implemented this feature request. It's likely, that we'll get another questions asking, why pasting the copied area has a cursor now, because it's confusing. So we need to implement a special option to let users choose, whether they want the cursor or not. And this option would be hard to find if you don't know where to search it. The software becomes complex, and this is a big drawback.

My conclusion is that it's better to leave it as it is now. The present implementation looks clear and straightforward.
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Pages: 1

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