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Fire Shot does not work anymore

Pages: 1
Posted:  26 May 2011 17:10
Fireshot 0.88 .... I installed it - well dunno doesn't state any date bur let me guess 2 months ago

now it's broken. whenever I press the red 'S'-button to capture a screen, it does not do so, but instead takes me to this web site and tries to force me to update or upgrade to something I dunno sad

Can I just remove this update or upgrade somehow - and just continue how it was until the day before yesterday ?

Thanks if you can help me in taking away this * and just let it work as it did.
Posted:  31 May 2011 06:39
My computer crashed . I bought mine 1.5 ago and it has stopped working with the new Firefox. I payed full price when I got it and now they wont help me fix it. I lost the license. Im trying to to find the old charge receipt cant find it either. I think I wasted my money. What a total waste, im not young any more so idk what to do. would be nice if they would help me. I gave up. I even lost my log in had to redo that as well
Posted:  03 Jun 2011 15:55
as soon as i press screen shot button message comes some xdl file not installed or found. reinstalling may help. the same message comes for the studio
Posted:  04 Jun 2011 10:37
yeah im still waiting for help on mine SO WHEN YOU GOING TO HELP ME MARK????????????
Posted:  05 Jun 2011 16:08

please note that storing and maintaining your licensing info is one of your tasks prior to usual software licensing practice.

I cannot find any licensing info according to the information you provided. Please provide more info about your purchase (Owner name, date, etc).
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  05 Jun 2011 16:09

I'm afraid, I need full error info according to the rules specified under "Post your reply" section of this thread.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  24 Jun 2011 23:08   Last Edited By: buzzmeok
ok I am Bob Mess I bought this software 3years ago and it worked fine until my hard drive failed . so now im trying to get it to work but looks like im in a hole. It wont even work with the new download of firefox.
I know this because of the long distance phone call the date was around May 2008
Im using
Firefox 5.0
OS windows XP service pack 2

click on it and it says it has expired takes me to your link. But i have already paid 3 years ago for this and i had to even talk to you guys on the phone because i could not get it to work back then when i first got it form you.

so why does the free version not even work?
same problem with internet explorer
Posted:  05 Jul 2011 10:17
I guess not more much to say now still not getting any help
Posted:  05 Jul 2011 15:36
Can you please update your addon?
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  25 Aug 2011 08:54

I have noticed a lot of these problems from MANY people stemming from the fact that they are trying to use the 'free' version for Chrome. This issue is that after 30 days it reverts to a 'trial' then asking people to pay to continue using it.

You would be very aware of this issue if you were not ignoring the thread of posts here:

The issue existed when I first installed the 'free' version almost 9 months ago, and has not improved since. Moreover, there is a new post to that thread at least every week with people complaining of being 'ripped off'. You may need to fix this issue quickly JK, or your fan base (read: people potentially purchasing the full version) will dramatically decrease because word of mouth is more powerful than a product decsription.

Hope to see you on that thread soon.

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