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Fireshot 0.87 update blocking Fireshot usage

Pages: 1
Posted:  06 Nov 2010 10:14
I am pretty disgusted by the fact that the latest update (0.87) completely blocks the Fireshot functionality in Firefox (3.6.10) until I have installed the update (from 0.85).

As a free human being, I am used to applying updates to any software I use on my computer if and when I wish to install them, however you are forcing users to install the update if they want to continue using Fireshot. I cannot remember any software (not even from Microsoft) which became disabled when you did not apply an update.

Please remove the block or I will have to switch to a different screenshot program. I was a happy Fireshot user for many years, but until this is achieved, I would discourage users from using Fireshot in order to keep their basic human rights.
Posted:  06 Nov 2010 11:51

This version does not lock anything (see other topics in this forum).
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Posted:  06 Nov 2010 12:26
Does it mean that the lock has been removed in version 0.87 and will not appear in any future updates for those who have updated to 0.87?

It would be useful to know in which version exactly the lock has been introduced and removed.

(To clarify what happened to me this morning: When I wanted to take a screenshot with Fireshot 0.85, a new window opened informing me of the update to version 0.87. I was then unable to take any further screenshots with Fireshot as it was locked. I was happy to apply the update at a later stage, but was forced to apply the update immediately in order to regain the screenshot capability.)


This version does not lock anything (see other topics in this forum).
Posted:  09 Jan 2011 23:04
I'm very confused.  I think I have the same issue as this poster.

Have been using Free Fireshot 0.87 for long time on Firefox 3.5.11.  I've made  no recent changes to W7,FF or anything else that I can think of since last successful use of FS.  (yesterday).  I don't restart FF too often, but I did restart it today fwiw. (saw those memory GB's adding up) 

Then later I went to save a screenshot and get a popup error box "Program is Updated".  The OK (or CLOSE, I forget) button takes me to a Screenshot Studio 1.9.86 webpage.

Further attempts to capture screen (edit,save,upload,anything) I hear the noise but no dialog box shows up. (unless I close FF and reopen it and try again).

What's going on?  I see the latest version is 0.88.  Do I have to get it?   Was the OK button supposed to direct me to a page for getting .088.   What if I don't want 0.88?

Is there a changelog for 0.88?  Whats the difference between Screenshot Studio and Fireshot?

(I'm not big on updating anything that isn't broken (like OP)).
Posted:  15 Jan 2011 21:16
gardengal, I don't think the problem I reported more than 2 months ago has been fixed by the developer (despite JK's claim "This version does not lock anything (see other topics in this forum)."), so unfortunately your problem as well as the problems reported by many other (novice) users on this forum, who thought they had to sign-up for the paid version are not surprising. A few days ago, my Fireshot add-on stopped working on my computer as well due to a new update of (the free) Fireshot available.

You have no option other than updating to the newest version, whether you want it or not, as the Fireshot button doesn't respond any longer until you update (as I did), presumably due to some development "magic" behind the scenes.

The developer either hasn't understood the problem I reported in 2010 or he doesn't care...
Posted:  17 Jan 2011 03:29
It is a shame that the free version just can't be a stand-alone one time install thing.   I can't think of any software (free or paid for) that stops working unless you upgrade to the latest version.  I am going to seriously look for an alternative before upgrading again.

It would be slightly (ever so) slightly better if at least the pop-up message said something clear like "sorry the free version you are using is no longer supported.  Please upgrade to the latest version.  Here is a link to the change log for that version"

It annoys me even more that some task to watch for this event is running without my knowledge or some data gathering/tracking is going on every time I fireshot a page.

Posted:  23 Mar 2014 20:02
Just to let you know, this has been fixed by using the latest version.
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