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[FireShot 0.98.41] A problem when typing in Russian language using Shift+? in a "Pointer" tool

Pages: 1
Posted:  07 Aug 2013 12:24   Last Edited By: tianuchka
Hello, friends!
There is a problem in the FireShot 0.98.41, when I'm using a "Pointer" tool.
I have a RUS and ENG keyboard layouts in my WIN XP SP3 RUS and everything works fine, but when I edit a screen in FireShot with the "Pointer" tool and switch to the RUS keys and type a CAPITAL letter with the combination of Shift+Л (English letter K on the keyboard), when a FireShot jumps out of the text field of the "Pointer" tool!

Can You please fix it?
Posted:  19 Aug 2013 11:03   Last Edited By: JK
Hello and thanks for reporting this. The issue will be fixed in the next release!
For the PRO version, It will be available within a couple of days.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
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