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Fireshot doesn't scroll

Pages: 1
Posted:  26 Jul 2021 11:16
Plugin version: FireShot for Chrome v.0.99.1
OS type and version: Windows 10
Version of browser: Chrome Version 92.0.4515.107
Steps to reproduce the bug: Capture scrolling content on any website
Webpage URL causing this problem: Any URL

I can't take long page screenshots of any pages.
That's my steps:
â‘ browse to page, click S on toolbar
â‘¡Choose "Capture Entire Page and..."(or "Capture Selection/element and...", select a long area)
It began to scroll, but soon stopped. No screenshot was saved. The only option left was "stop capturing", but clicking on it did not do anything.
If I closed the browser and opened it, option "Capture Entire Page and..."(and others) was clickable again. When I clicked it, the above fault would repeat.

Please help me to solve this problem as soon as possible, thank you.
Pages: 1



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