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How to capture web page emulator with scrolling

Pages: 1
Posted:  02 Aug 2021 17:03
I'm using a mobile emulator on web pages to see how it looks. FireShot doesn't scroll the emulator window to capture it's contents. Example: Use https://www.webmobilefirst.com/en/ on Chrome 64 (latest) with Windows 10 Pro. It captures just the web page. Right clicking within the emulator window and selecting doesn't help. It still just captures the external web page. (I used the emulator on it's own website "webmobilefirst") as my test. However, I would really like to be able to do this on other pages!
I've reviewed and followed the instructions on the Chrome Update capturing forum posting (https://getfireshot.com/sup/art3122.htm)
Thanks in advance!
Pages: 1



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