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How to disable" Like It Pop" up please?

Pages: 1
Posted:  02 Apr 2015 23:49
Fireshot 0.98.70
Windows 7
Firefox 36.0.4


How do I disable the periodical popup
"If you enjoy Fireshot and think that it has helped you a lot. Would you mind taking a moment to Like it? It would mean a lot to us.
Thank you for your support!"

Then it gives me the options of:
"Like"  "Maybe Later"  and "No, Thanks"

I have chosen "No, Thanks" on more than one occasion and I get annoyed every time this pops up after a capture.
How do I disable this pop up permanently?

Please let me know. Thank you in advance for your help.
Posted:  03 Apr 2015 06:24

Seems that you just don't like it too much (joking) cool

That's weird. This popup should not be opened anymore once "No, thanks" was clicked.

FireShot stores settings in the file fs_fx_settings.ini - please try searching this file. Normally, when the access to this file is not blocked, FireShot remembers your last decision in this file.

There should be a record "edtLikePromoDate=[number here]".
Exit Firefox, Change it to "edtLikePromoDate=0" and save the file on exit. Then start Firefox and check.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  04 Apr 2015 17:44
Yes.... lol.
I hate ads!!!! Hence the name "stopads"
I tried searching " fs_fx_settings.ini" in C:, ProgramData, and Users on Windows 7. I also tried searching in Firefox  about:config and was unable to find it in search.
Can you please direct me where I can find the file  "fs_fx_settings.ini"?
Where is it exactly?
Posted:  04 Apr 2015 17:55
It should be in your profile folder: %APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\your-profile\fs_fx_settings.ini
(more details: Navigating to the profile folder)

If you still cannot find this file, then it seems to be the cause of why you're getting this popup each time. FireShot just can't memorize your preference.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  01 Jul 2023 00:00

It may be possible that you are using another tool that blocks the write requests from firefox or otherwise resets the ini file. Others with more knowledge may be able to assist further. Ones I would consider are:
* Anti-Malware
* Anti-tamper
* Various privacy plugins
* 'Cleaning software such as: ccleaner, bleachbit
* really doubtful: Kiosk mode by chance?
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