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How to draw a simlpe horizontal line (for ex underlining a captured text)?

Pages: 1
Posted:  04 Apr 2017 09:03
At 99% of the times, the Edit tool only allows me to use "Select", I can't use other tools "Shape, Drawing, Pointer, Text, Image", they are all deactivated. WHY???

In order to draw a line, I've to select an area, then click on Annotation (on the right menu) and deactivate "Sharp, Text, Number", then use only "line"-function -- hard work for drawing just a simple line. There must be another simple way to draw an underlined line by using the "Draw"-Tool??.

Very seldom (1% of the times), I could use the "Draw" tool, but it can only draw curves or not-straight lines. I did try different Key combinations for drawing a , but all in vain.

Any help is very very very appreciated! Thanks
Pages: 1



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