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Multiple Monitors

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Posted:  06 May 2010 08:33
Just bought Screenshot Studio, but now noticed that it only works on the primary screen!?

Everyone I know has at least 2 displays. If that isn't fully supported, it's useless.

Please integrate, then we can buy more licenses.

Posted:  06 May 2010 10:37
Thanks Stefan, I'm going to implement it soon. Would you like to take part in this development as a feature tester? Your opinion will be much appreciated.
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Posted:  06 May 2010 11:40
If I can test the binary directly without an installer, then yes, include me.

That will be the hardcore multi monitor test:
* 4 gfx cards (2 physical + 2 virtual MaxiVista)
* 5 displays (3 physical + 2 virtual)
* Windows 7 / 64 Bit and XP / 32 Bit

Posted:  14 May 2010 03:28   Last Edited By: JK
I've captured dual monitors for 3 years on XP.

Posted:  14 May 2010 12:35
okay, thanks for the info.

Here on the Win7/64 machine it definnitely does not work. A capture region for example doesn't even allow entering the secondary display with the cursor.

So it could be some kind of Win7 or 64bit problem. I'll try to test on an XP machine.

But in the end Win7 support will surely be needed anyway.

Posted:  14 May 2010 21:19   Last Edited By: JK

I've mostly finished this feature. Could you please install this beta and tell me what do you think?

I'll wait your feedback.
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Posted:  15 May 2010 02:19   Last Edited By: stephan
I tried.

What I experienced:

* The select monitor feature is nice and looks like this:

* It does indeed contain all currently available displays, 2 are physical and 2 are virtual. So that' good.

* The bottom end of the "All Monitors" selection is cut away, because the scrollbar is too short (see screenshot)

* But when a display is selected here and okay is clicked, then SSS crashes (or waits for something that is not visible). The screenshot is not taken and editor does not open. Then SSS has to killed in the task manager. It does not react anymore and the pop up menu in the tray can not be used anymore. I think it's waiting for something to happen.

* Additionally this whole feature is only available for Capture Whole Screen. All other options (region/window) only know about the first monitor and still cannot be used outside.

* When support for Capture Region will be implemented, it would be nicer to just be allowed to drag the crosslines anywhere on the whole desktop, not caring about the different displays at all.

Posted:  19 May 2010 17:29   Last Edited By: JK
Thank you Stefan,

I fixed the error with the border, but did not find the reason of SSS crash. Can you please test a next version of beta?

A test sequence is following:

- Please install a debug version from: https://screenshot-program.com/sss_1.9.84beta_2.zip
- make sure the application will be able to create the file c:\fireshot_dbg.txt (don't be confused by the name, this is normal).
- perform the test actions and make sure it crashed
- send the log file c:\fireshot_dbg.txt

Thank you.
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Posted:  26 May 2010 06:54   Last Edited By: JK
Sorry for the delay, the BBS doesn't notify me by mail anymore (or spam filter caught it).

Installed the new beta. First thing I noticed during installation:

(press XXXXX)

I must add that this was a clean new install, because meanwhile I had to remove SSS because I needed some screenshots.

I retried with the new beta:
- started as Admin (to allow creation of the debug file)
- captured some rectangle on primary screen. Worked.
- Copy / Closed Editor
- selected to capture another rectangle. This time nothing happens. At this point the debug file contains this: fireshot_dbg1.txt
- Then nothing happens for about a minute. Earlier I might have thought that at this point the appliaction had crashed.
- Then the crosshairs appear as desired and can be used normally.
- After the second capture the debug file contains this: fireshot_dbg2.txt
- This can be repeated.

Surely SSS is waiting for something in the background during the delay.

Posted:  26 May 2010 07:07   Last Edited By: JK
Second try is capturing a complete screen as done earlier without success.

- Started SSS and deleted fireshot_dbg.txt
- Capture whole screen
- selected primary screen
- Now SSS hangs for a longer time.
- At this point dbg log is fireshot_dbg3.txt
- But indeed it didn't crash (as opposed to what I said earlier). After 2-3 minutes the editor comes up as desired.
- At this point dbg log is fireshot_dbg4.txt

Maybe the delay is dependent on the size of the captured image. But the CPU is a Core i7, not a 286. smile

Posted:  26 May 2010 20:45
Thank you Stephan.

The logs have been received.
There's a chance that release build will be working OK for you. I'll get back to you shortly.
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Posted:  06 Jul 2010 14:00
Is there a new version meanwhile?

Posted:  21 Jul 2010 17:39

there's a new 1.9.84 version available for download: https://screenshot-program.com/screenshot_studio_setup.zip
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Posted:  22 Jul 2010 06:19   Last Edited By: John Stokes
SSS 1.9.84 has reduced functionality with the second monitor for me. i.e. Capture Window and Capture Region do not work on the second monitor. However, Capture Whole Screen has some function, but this is not how I want to use the program.

As noted on 14/05/2010, I haven't had a concern wrt dual monitors until now starting from SSS

Please advise.
Posted:  22 Jul 2010 16:09
John, sorry, I don't understand the problem.
At my 2-monitor configuration a dialog shown below appears and I can select whether specified monitor or both of them should be captured.


What is your problem?
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Posted:  23 Jul 2010 01:04
The option for the second monitor is ONLY shown if you chose to capture the 'Whole screen', otherwise your are limited to the primary monitor.

Capture Window and Capture Region do not work on the second monitor

Lucky I still have SSS1.1.3.4 installed.




Hope you can understand.

Looks like I will need to go back to SSS 1.9.83 until this is resolved.
Posted:  23 Jul 2010 06:09
Ah, now I see the problem, thank you.
Yes, you'd better return to 1.9.83 until fix is available.
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Posted:  22 Oct 2010 00:08
Still waiting for a change log, but it appears that 1.9.86 is fully functional on the second monitor.
Posted:  21 Jun 2011 02:20
I have just moved from Windoz XP to Windoz 7 64, however 1.9.86 doesn't support a second monitor same as my post on 23/07/2010.

Hope you can investigate.
Posted:  03 Aug 2011 10:49
Still not working.  The application is useless in my environment.
Posted:  04 Aug 2011 01:11
I actually figured out how to capture the second monitor (maybe more of a work around), but the user interface is poor.

1) Click 'Capture whole Screen'
This will display a dialogue where you can select which monitor(s) to capture.


2)If you select the tick box 'only display when shift is selected', then your chosen monitor will be the default for all capturing operations.
If I select the secondary monitor as the default, the secondary monitor image will be opened on the primary monitor and I can pick windows or regions as expected.

It works, but you need to do steps to specify your default monitor before you hit capture.

3) To return to default settings or specify your primary monitor as the default, Click 'Capture whole Screen' while holding 'Shift', then unselect the tick box.

I'm sure the developer could improve this given time.
Posted:  19 Sep 2011 06:46
What are the changes in SSS 1.9.93?

I am yet to try a restart, but can longer use SSS on my secondary monitor.
Posted:  20 Sep 2011 08:40
Dear John,

the changes are the following:

    * The captures can be uploaded to Facebook
    * Improved work with selections
    * Configureable blur intensity

Can you confirm there are some problems in 1.9.93 version?
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Posted:  20 Sep 2011 08:47
I confirm that after restarting the Windoz 7, I can no longer capture images on the Secondary Monitor.

My work around posted on 04/08/2011 no longer works.

Capture Whole Screen will only capture the Primary Monitor.  There is no pop up option to select the Monitor when using Capture Whole Screen any more.
Posted:  20 Sep 2011 09:24
Does working fine for me. I can hold Shift and open the dialog again to apply required changes.

I uploaded a previous version of SSS for you: https://screenshot-program.com/sss_1.9.92.zip

I'm wondering whether it is working fine for you?
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Posted:  20 Sep 2011 09:27
You are right, I forgot Shift.

Sorry, it is working fine.

Posted:  20 Sep 2011 09:34
Ah, very good! cool
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Posted:  06 Oct 2013 17:25
Holding shift while opening up a dialog worked for me! I never knew how easy this was. Thanks.
Posted:  08 Jun 2017 03:15
Dual monitors.  Worked perfectly before but had to replace drive to am reinstalling fresh.
OS: Win10 Version 1607 OS Build 14393.1198
Screen Shot Studio Version
Chrome 58.20.3029.110
When I select capture window or capture region I get a partial image of my second monitor on my main monitor.  Also if I select capture screen it has monitor 1 and 2 shown in reverse.  It thinks monitor 1 is monitor 2 and vise versa.  If I disable my second monitor it works fine.  I also have never been able to capture anything but full screens on my second monitor.  I have a image of what I'm describing.  Thanks.
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