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No screenshot extension Button (so can't use FireShot) in Firefox Developer Edition 57.0b3 (64-bit)

Pages: 1
Posted:  27 Sep 2017 16:06
Hello. I noticed that I no longer had a FireShot button in Firefox Developer Edition, so I tried a couple of potential remedies I read about in this support forum. The first is I looked for the screenshot extension among the options in the Customize menu, but did not see it, and therefore could not drag it on to the toolbar. The second is that I did a fresh install of the latest version of FireShot, but still I do not a get a FireShot button. It works in all of my other browsers (i.e. Chrome, Explorer), just not Firefox.

Has anyone else experienced this issue with Firefox Developer Edition? My OS type and version is Windows 10 Home 64-bit, Version 1703, Build 15063.608. I tried to post the log from the browser console, but there was no log to post.

Thanks in advance for your help!
Pages: 1



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