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Preserving User Settings

Pages: 1
Posted:  03 Oct 2020 22:36
Fireshot Pro for Firefox v. 0.98.004
MS Windows 10 Home with latest updates installed
Firefox Browser 81.0.1 (64-bit) Final
Steps = Install update to Fireshot Pro
Webpage URL = Any web page that you try to capture

Why does each update that I receive wipe out the User-Controlled settings that I have entered to format the filenames of captures? Every time I get an update, I have to go in and change the settings on this page, from the default setting that are installed, back to the settings that I had chosen before the update.  Here's where these settings are located:
Misc>Options>General>Capturing>Default File Name>Specify Template Field>plus 2 Add Feature checkboxes.

Can user preferences be preserved in future updates? This would save me a lot of work. Thanks.

-Steve Colburn
Pages: 1



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