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FireShot - Full webpage screenshot tool support forum / FireShot Browser Extension / Bug Reports

save folder always open

Pages: 1
Posted:  08 Nov 2011 04:27
Plugin version  : FireShot 0.94
    OS type and version  : MS Windows 7 Ultimate x86 SP1, English)
    Version of Firefox : Firefox 7.0.1
    Steps to reproduce the bug : just save captured to a folder

in Fireshot 0.93  everything was perfect. I press Ctrl+Alt+Z  then hit Enter,  screenshot will saved to folder  and perform to next page.
but, in Fireshot 0.94   when screenshot saved to folder, the folder window will popup  and I have to close them every time.

ps. I have checked "Don't Open"  in "Open Folder after saving captures"  in "Comfirmation" menu.
Posted:  01 Dec 2011 09:32
but, in Fireshot 0.94   when screenshot saved to folder, the folder window will popup  and I have to close them every time.
in the world wow gold most exhausting wow po matter
Posted:  31 May 2014 18:35
I can verify this already. This problem is already fixed with the latest version.
Pages: 1

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