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Stop it from always opening file location after a save

Pages: 1
Posted:  07 Jul 2011 19:21
Fireshot 0.91
Windows 7 64 bit, english
Firefox 5.0

I checked the box to always have it open the file location when I am done saving the screenshot.  I would now like to turn that off, but can't figure out how to do that.  I uninstalled the extension and then restarted and then installed it again, but it keep the same settings.
Posted:  10 Jul 2011 20:48
You need to hold Shift while pressing the button.
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Posted:  01 Sep 2011 09:37
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Posted:  06 Oct 2013 17:26
Tried this on FF 15.0. Works like a charm. Seems to be a browser version issue after all.
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