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Suppress "getsmartshot.com/installed/" on FireShot installation

Pages: 1
Posted:  03 Jul 2019 16:04
Hi FireShot team,
I would like to use FireShot in corporate environment on terminal/Citrix servers. The blocker for me is that every time FireShot is installed, it automatically opens "getsmartshot.com/installed/" website. That's obviously a problem for my users as there are lots of force-installed extensions in my environment and I cannot bother them with closing such URLs every time they log in. In my case users get mandatory/termporary Windows profiles so every time they log in (i.e. start a new Citrix/terminal session) FireShot with all other extensions is installed. Is there any way to suppress (e.g. in settings) opening "getsmartshot.com/installed/" website after new installation? If not, can this beheviour be disabled completely?smile FireShot it the easiest to use and most user friendy extension for screeshots I've found and I would be very happy for my users to take advantage of it. Thank you,
Posted:  12 Jul 2019 19:30
Hello. This is possible for the enterprise users. Unfortunately, the public version does not provide such  functionality.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
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