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v10.0.1 working in Chrome; not working in IE10

Pages: 1
Posted:  07 Jun 2013 07:48   Last Edited By: jthomas100
Win7 Home Premium SP1
IE 10.0.9200.16576
Chrome 27.0.1453.110 m

Name:                   FireShot
Publisher:              Evgeny Suslikov
Type:                   Toolbar
Architecture:           32-bit and 64-bit
File date:              ‎Monday, ‎June ‎03, ‎2013, ‏‎10:04 PM
Date last accessed:     â€ŽToday, ‎June ‎06, ‎2013, ‏‎2 minutes ago
Class ID:               {6E6E744E-4D20-4CE3-9A7A-26DFFFE22F68}
Use count:              3027
Block count:            7319
File:                   fsaddin64-0.983.dll
Folder:                 C:\Users\Jeff\AppData\Roaming\FireShot

Long time ago, had installed Fireshot free version. Then uninstalled.
Very recently, I purchased/downloaded Fireshot pro
Installed Fireshot
During installation. I indicated I wanted it installed in IE and Chrome only
Product Key entered; version upgraded to pro
The Fireshot toolbar "S" button is red in Chrome, blue in IE.
Fireshot works as documented in Chrome.
in IE, Fireshot "S" produces drop-down menu. "Capture selection" is not among choices. All menu choices are non-responsive. Absolutely nothing happens when any are clicked.
In IE, there is no Fireshot menu item under "tools"
in IE, there is no Fireshot menu item on the right-click contextual menu
Posted:  07 Jun 2013 08:12
Additional info:

In IE, Fireshot is shown as "enabled" under tools/manage extensions

Also, immediately following installation, IE presented me with the familiar yellow box at the bottom of the browser window, asking if I wanted to enable the extension. I clicked the "enable" button.
Posted:  07 Jun 2013 08:45
Hi Jeff,

Let's try fixing it in TeamViewer (https://teamviewer.com)
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  07 Jun 2013 08:53
Do I need to download/install TV? Or simply "join remote control session"?
Posted:  07 Jun 2013 08:59
Jeff, I've just sent you an email.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  07 Jun 2013 09:02
Yes, just saw it; received at 12:59. Contents are identical to contents of email received at 12:45.
Posted:  07 Jun 2013 09:05
both emails contain only a link to return to this forum; no further information is in the emails.
Posted:  07 Jun 2013 09:06
Thank you for your offer to help via TeamViewer. I certainly hope to take you up on the offer. However it is 0100 here now and I must shut down for the night. I hope to find you here again soon, when we can collaborate on finding a fix. Thank you very much.
Posted:  07 Jun 2013 09:08
Ah, I see. Good night!

P.S. Please check your junk folders to find my email
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  07 Jun 2013 16:52   Last Edited By: jthomas100
Ah, yes, there it is, directly in the inbox.

Sorry I could not be available at the time you responded. I will try to return in about a week (I'll be away for several days) and log on at a time when you are available.

Meantime, some further evidence:

After booting up and starting IE, I gave the FS button (it's still blue, btw) a click, and it captured the visible area and opened it in the editor. I tried to do the same with a different web page. Nothing.

I went about my business and about 20 minutes I later I tried the FS button again. Once again, it captured the visible area and opened the editor. And, once again, FS was unresponsive when I tried to do the same just a moment later.

For whatever reason(s), FS appears to work -- and it still does not offer "capture selection" as an option -- after it, er, "rests" for a bit.

Thank you.
Posted:  07 Jun 2013 16:59   Last Edited By: JK
Thanks, it definitely needs to be tested.
Just let me know when you're available for testing.
P.S. There's no "capture selected area" feature in IE, sorry.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  07 Jun 2013 20:12
sad  Put this one in the "feature request" bin.

Meanwhile, I can always "capture visible area," then crop in the editor.

I'd use FS in Chrome instead, but my work requires regular use of IE, so I've been hunting for a decent tool that works reliably in IE.
Posted:  10 Jun 2013 06:42
Sure I will, thanks!
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  15 Jun 2013 01:12
Count me in here please. +1
Posted:  23 Jun 2013 15:43
Greetings again, JK,

I am returned from travel and will attempt soon to log in at a time when you are available to address this problem. Thank you.
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