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Version 0.31 crashes Java in FF3beta2. Profile LOST !! CRITICAL BUG

Pages: 1
Posted:  25 Jan 2008 11:50
We have a major situation here in my office. All FF3b2 users that have upgraded to Fireshot 0.31 have lost their FF install: using Java after FS O.3 install crashes the browser systematically, and what is even worse: uninstalling the extension does not solve anything.
So FF has to be reinstalled from scratch (with 80 extensions, thanks a lot !)
Using Java 6 version 3, XP SP2
Reproduced on every PC here in the same config.
Please take actions, and fast !
Thank you
Posted:  25 Jan 2008 12:02   Last Edited By: JK
If uninstalling the extension doesn't help, please refer to Mozilla.
I'm sorry, but I don't know the reason.
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Posted:  25 Jan 2008 12:26
But can you reproduced the first issue on your end (the fact that Java crashes after FS 0.31 installation ) ? If this is the case, you should remove the compatibility with FF3 until the incompatibility is solved.

For the second issue, I'm wondering what traces are left by the extension after removing it

Note: since my first post, another colleague has met the same problem (he had not listened to me wink )

Posted:  25 Jan 2008 12:37
Hi again
One more remark. I haven't tested it myself, but one of my fellow colleagues told me that it also crashes Java in Firefox 2 on his PC.
But again, I haven't tested.
Posted:  25 Jan 2008 16:34   Last Edited By: JK
Ok, I've got a fix for this.
As I expected, the problem was in Firefox - it cannot handle too long user-agent strings mad

So, what you need to fix this issue before next release will be published:

- open FireShot's preferences and uncheck "Add information about FiresShot into user-agent string"
- restart FX
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Posted:  25 Jan 2008 16:53
I have not had any issues with crashes but did notice a fairly major issue.
Occurs in FF and 3.0b2
JAVA ver 1.6.0_1.

The issue I encountered was that some flash elements (the ones that I had noticed that used to be captured by fireshot) now have a dark orange background wherever there is transparency in the image. Here is a good example Click here. I listed this page as an example because there are two flash elements on the page and one is effected and the other is not. Both have transparent backgrounds.

Also I noticed that uninstalling does not help. As a matter of fact, after you uninstall the add-on, restart FF, then open the about box, it still shows Fireshot 0.31 in the box... even though it is no longer in the Extensions list.

Hope that helps - I really like Fireshot and can't use it at the moment.

Posted:  25 Jan 2008 17:02
Did you try the solution I posted above?
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Posted:  25 Jan 2008 17:13
Yes, and I owe a loud "thank you", as it worked perfectly. You saved my old profile. Thanks again for you fast and efficient investigation
Posted:  25 Jan 2008 17:14
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Posted:  25 Jan 2008 17:23
     That did the trick. thumb_up I think our postings must have crossed. wink

     Thanks for the quick response!

Posted:  25 Jan 2008 18:25
JK, will you consider issuing a new version without the incriminated setting ? Or at least turned off by default ?
Posted:  25 Jan 2008 18:25
by the way, "guest" above was me smile
Posted:  25 Jan 2008 18:27
Of course, a new version will be ready soon.
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Posted:  25 Jan 2008 18:45
Thanks and keep on your good work. This extension is one of the best, truly.
Posted:  25 Jan 2008 19:03
That's OK.
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