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FF4 don't save the preferences

Pages: 1
Posted:  07 Apr 2011 16:13
Fireshot seems to be broke with FF4 : the preferences can't be save !
Posted:  07 Apr 2011 16:18
can you locate fs_fx_settings.ini file and check whether it's writeable?
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Posted:  14 Apr 2011 11:17
Yes, all permissions are allowed wink
Posted:  14 Apr 2011 11:20
Can I change manually a value which corresponds to "display on task bar" ? (I ask because I see a checksum in this file ...)
Posted:  14 Apr 2011 11:38
Ok, I figured out what happened :

There is no other button than a close button on the settings panel like you can see (sry for the french language on screenshot). Is it normal ? I always press this close button xD


But by tapping "enter", it has save it wink
Posted:  14 Apr 2011 11:41
Oh I forgot to mention :

* Plugin version : 0.88
* OS type and version : MS Windows 7 Professional SP1 64 bit
* Version of Firefox : 4.0
Posted:  22 Apr 2011 19:16
Wow, thanks for your investigation! Somehow the "OK" button disappeared. Very strange... mad
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Posted:  12 May 2011 13:06
i have:

win 7 x64 sp1
fireshot 0.89
firefox 4.0.1

I tried, in preferences - general tab to turn off:
integrate into contect menu and tools menu.
and in the capture tab: play sound after capture.

then i pressed the close button, and they were not changed. my settings were not saved.
Posted:  15 May 2011 15:07
Looks like I found the reason of this bug. I'll provide a solution to this problem in the next FireShot release (0.90)
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Posted:  17 May 2011 19:15
I included this fix into a pre-0.90 release: https://screenshot-program.com/dloads/fireshot_89_fixed.xpi
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