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Fireshot extension not working in Firefox, Windows 10

Pages: 1
Posted:  11 Aug 2017 21:18
I have the paid version of Fireshot.  It is no longer working in Firefox, Windows 10.
It makes a sound when I save, but does not ask me where to save to, and I can't find the pdf anywhere.
When I click to save the entire page and edit, the editor does not open.

In FireFox FS settings there is no longer an option to set my default folder for saving.  There is a working folder (C:\Users\matt\Pictures\FireShot\), and that folder does not exist on my filesystem

In Chrome I have similar issues.  I tried opening Options for Editing and Saving, and nothing happened - I never got the options dialog.

Fireshot PRO 0.98.92
Firefox 54.0.1 (64-bit)
Windows 10 Home 10.0.15063 Build 15063
Various webpages including Wikipedia
Pages: 1



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