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FireShot skipping the numbering sequence in the filename

Pages: 1
Posted:  21 Oct 2020 18:11
Hi, so I'm having this weird issue lately. I have changed the filename template to include just the page title and the number however the number increments by 3 instead of 1. for example screenshot <page title> 663.png, screenshot <page title> 666.png, screenshot <page title> 669.png, etc. Can someone help me fix this issue? I tried resetting the numbering sequence back to 001 but it still skips.

This issue appears on all websites. I'm using Chrome Version 86.0.4240.75 (Official Build) (64-bit).
I'm running Windows 10 64-bit home. FireShot plugin version 0.98.98.

Posted:  22 Oct 2020 08:41
Hello. Thank you for reporting. We can confirm that bug, which will be fixed in the next update.
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