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Saving a share style ignores Text/Line settings

Pages: 1
Posted:  05 Mar 2009 15:35
Fireshot 0.69 in Firefox 3.0.7

- I'm adding a new Shape and define a certain format.
- The 'Text' and 'Line' checkboxes are unselected.
- in the 'Select Style or Create New' window, I'm saving the style through 'Save as new Style'.
- close Fireshot
- capture another page and create a new Shape
- pick the Style saved earlier.

-> the 'Text' and 'Line' checkboxes are selected again and I manually have to unselect them.

I would have expected to find these settings saved as well.

Posted:  05 Mar 2009 15:58
Please use "Styles remember visibility" option.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
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Posted:  06 Mar 2009 11:50
ok. I didn't see that configuration before. but of course it works!
thanks for your quick help!

Pages: 1

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