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ScreenShot not Accepting my license number

Pages: 1
Posted:  20 Jul 2011 14:43   Last Edited By: Jdarm
Don't know where to post or ask for support for this product.  I purchased a license in the beginning of the year now the software is constantly giving me error message that the license is invalid, however, it's a valid number.  What should I do?

    * Plugin version ( FireShot 0.91)
    * OS type and version (MS Windows XP Professional SP3, English)
    * Version of Firefox (Firefox 3.6.18
    * Steps to reproduce the bug (i.e. Start computer, FireShot automated "enter your license" screen pops up, I enter my license info, error message "invalid license"
Posted:  21 Jul 2011 09:26
Have no ideas except of wrong data to be entered. We can get in touch in Skype and I'll try to help you.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  21 Jul 2011 14:15
I don't have a skype account.  Is there any other way we can communicate?  Or should I create an account an account with Skype. 

Also, I typed and copy/pasted the info.
Posted:  06 Apr 2013 21:56
Setting up an account should be easy and free with skype. By the way, have you managed to get around this already?
Pages: 1

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