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upload dialog is too big for my 10'' netbook

Pages: 1
Posted:  09 Oct 2012 13:20
Upload dialog it too big for my 10" netbook.

I am unable to resize upload dialog window.
I see there is lots of empty space in dialog you can easily resize the window. Good job
Posted:  10 Oct 2012 06:05
Can you tell me your screen resolution please?
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Posted:  11 Oct 2012 17:53   Last Edited By: vikaskanani
Sorry its 1024 X 600

see my screen: www.dropbox.com/s/wq7lnd2knc4vgf5/fireshot.jpg
Posted:  14 Oct 2012 18:52
Just to rule the resolution out, can you try setting it to a lower value and see if it makes a difference?
Posted:  13 Jun 2013 03:01
I see this is a very old issue, and it's still with us: even with the latest update today, the dialogs still don't fit on my 1024x600 netbook screen.



I can get past the first one by just blindly hitting Enter, although I can't access all the options.  The second one, I'm losing some of the link options.

OS is Win7 Premium English
Chrome version is 27.0.1453.110 m
Plugin version is 0.98.38
Pages: 1

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