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0.92 breaks cloud apps like Zendesk

Pages: 1
Posted:  29 Jul 2011 04:10
I was just forced off 0.91 because of the update thing and have installed 0.92 from here. Now when accessing Zendesk I cannot see my organisation tab in Firefox 3.6.15. It works in Chrome and disabling Fireshot 0.92 brings back the proper functioning of Zendesk. Running Win XP Pro 2002 SP3 English.

To reproduce:
1. Install Fireshot 0.92.
2. Access your friendly community Zendesk account.

Sorry, I don't know how else to indicate how to reproduce this. If I find something else I'll post to this ticket. For instance, I'll try my Twitter access etc and post if one fails.
Posted:  29 Jul 2011 04:15
Sorry about this, this is wierd. I have re-enabled Fireshot in order to test further and found that functionality has been restored.

During this process I also installed Pearl Crescent Page Saver but when I got the error I disabled and then un-installed Pearl Crescent without fixing the issue. Then when I disabled Fireshot the issue went away. Now when I re-enabled Fireshot the issue does not return. During this process I also updated Foxclocks and a couple of other add ons but have not changed their settings.

If some one else gets this error just try:

1. Disable and then re-enable Fireshot.

2. If that fails try removing Pearl Crescent Page Saver if you have it and then again disable and re-enable Fireshot.

I think this bug should be resolved or closed because it's not clear what was the cause, Fireshot or something else.

Pages: 1

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