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BUG: "The image is too big to be stored in video memory"

Pages: 1
Posted:  01 Jun 2009 05:47
*  Plugin version FireShot 0.69
    * OS type and version MS Windows XP Professional SP2 2.5 GB RAM, English
    * Version of Firefox Firefox/
    * Steps to reproduce the bug

Goto https://www.pathanalyzer.com/help/manual/ and click on FireShot menu item "Capture Entire Page and ....", "Save".

I get this error:

"The image is too big to be stored in video memory, so it will be stored in RAM......"

Clicking OK produces another error:

"Insufficient video memory. You need at least 648 MB of RAM"

The process has now failed. Pls advise why this is the case. Thanks.
Pages: 1

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