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FireShot extension Does not Recognize My Default Email Program XP, IE8, eM Client

Pages: 1
Posted:  17 Feb 2015 17:35
Windows xp, Internet explorer Outlook Express.  That combination used to work and whatever I needed was inserted in the Outlook Express email.

Now I have chosen this combination -
Windows XP, Intenet Explorer 8 and and and email software eM Client..  NOW Autodetect does not find eM Client and nothing happens.  I do not have installed Outlook or Thunderbird.  I tried all the options, just because, and nothing happened.

This does work for me XP, Firerfox, and  eM Client is my chosen default email program. DOES WORK.


XP, IE 8, AND OUTLOOK EXPRESS worked.  All I did was change the default email program.
Posted:  19 Feb 2015 12:38
Are you using the same version of FireShot both on Firefox and IE? Can you tell me the version?
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