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Google Chrome screenshot won't get animated gifs.

Pages: 1
Posted:  15 Oct 2012 01:06   Last Edited By: dorothyblu
]I have the free newest screen capture, windows 7,english, hp pavillion b   plenty of ram, chrome browser, new, -----unsure

and i go to "smileydesigns.net:  i go to the "gomotes" page; i choose"html" and i click the emote i want; that sucker never captures them for me. now, it is supposed to choose"capture region of page"   cause i can't send this emote thru html, no, it won't do it!!!  the html is only for facebook, twitter, and it won't even go on my blog, as it says it will. when i try to  get it to get region of page, it just takes a flat, unanimated shot, which is no good.mad

. i want it animated, for my email,and screen shots will not do it!!!WHY NOT??  sometimes it does take other animated emotes, but not often. and i cannot figure out how to put the img htmls into my computer.sometimes screen shots work, sometimes not.

i am not a techie,much.how do i get the free screen capture software to be reliable, and get everything?i'm not trying to claim this guy's emotes, no, i just wanta use them on my personal email.that's all! this site used to allow all that, and now, if you click right, choose "save as" it will only take the site's logo, nothing more. it is protected.i can't get the html copy to get them to my email, or downloads. there you have it   tongue

.it's my hobby to collect animated emotes, and these are almost the best online. or, they used to be. now i can't collect them.thanks!!!   rolleyes
Posted:  16 Dec 2012 20:46
Hi Dorothy, it's been a while since you last posted this. Were you able to find a way to work on this yet? You must have at least one project completed by now.
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