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Incomplete Firefox screenshot

Pages: 1
Posted:  31 Jul 2011 21:19
Fireshot Version 0.91
Windows 7 Home Premium, SP1
Firefox 5.0
I open an application on line in Firefox.  The application has its own (up/down) scroll bar and a very long page.  Firefox also has a scroll bar (up/down).
When I go to the top of both scroll bars (i.e., the very top of the application's page) and try to capture the entire page, Fireshot captures down to the bottom visible by scrolling down the Firefox scroll bar all of the way, but does not capture below that part of the page hidden by not scrolling down the application scroll bar.
Posted:  21 Mar 2013 22:09
Hi W4UF, looks like this is unanswered. Anyways, any luck found here so far?
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