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Unable to take screenshot of scrolling web page by running code in browser console

Pages: 1
Posted:  09 Feb 2022 14:25

We were able to capture the page by running a code snippet on console for the first couple of times. Strangely, after some time, an error was thrown and couldn't capture the page on doing the same again.
Below is the code we ran on console.

FireShotAPI.base64EncodePage(true, undefined, function (imgData) {
    let image = new Image();
    image.src = imgData;
    let w = window.open("");

It didn't capture the page but threw the below error on console.

Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received.

But, when we run the same code through a button click event (clicking the button physically with the mouse), it is working fine with no errors observed and the page is captured. And, not in case we click the button programmatically using


Below are the details:

Plugin version: FireShot Pro for Chrome v.0.99.15
OS type and version: Windows 10 Business
Version of browser: Google Chrome (Version 97.0.4692.99 (Official Build) (64-bit))
Steps to reproduce the bug: Place the above code in a button click event and try to click the button manually and programmatically as mentioned above.
Webpage URL causing this problem: Working on a local (HTML/JS) file
Pages: 1



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