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Unable to capture all taps and save

Pages: 1
Posted:  12 Jul 2024 13:43
I'm unable to [capture all taps and save] to pdfs anymore.
I used to be able to but not recently (past few days).
But I can capture tap one by one by [Capture entire page]
Please advise.  Thanks you so much.

Requested Information:

Plugin Version:
OS Type: Windows 11 Enterprise 64-bit
Browser: Version 126.0.6478.127 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Steps to reproduce bug: while on websites I wish to save to PDF in bulk , click FireShot plugin, choose  [capture all taps and save],it started scrolled ,but it didn't save to anywhere.
In past,it started scrolled ,and will save to my PC.
Pages: 1



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